
re·cip·ro·ca·tion [ri-sip-ruh-key-shuhn]   noun

1. an act or instance of reciprocating.
2. a returning, usually for something given.
3. a mutual giving and receiving.
4. the state of being reciprocal or corresponding.

I have seen and experienced enough love in my life to believe it exists and is possible for everyone to enjoy.  However, when I was a mere sprog fantasizing about adulthood I never imagined how difficult it can be to find and enjoy love at it's most simplest form.  I pondered love this morning and I traced my complaints back to reciprocation.  "The power in a relationship lies with whoever cares the least."  That is a favorite quote of mine.  (Yes, I have many favorite quotes).  It's one of my favorites because it's meaning resonates in my brain and I believe it to be true.  Most relationships begin, in my belief, with a physical attraction typically shared by both parties.  From there the seed of love begins to grow bigger and faster in one person while the other becomes "over it" or "spooked."  I am guilty of this too.  But more times than not I am the first to run head first into the brick wall with my heart on my sleeve.  With each crushing of my heart I grow a little more jaded and untrusting.  So how does one jump the reciprocation hurtle?  To have a successful relationship do you have to play the game of "match the other person's affection" so that you don't love too quickly or too slowly?  It boggles my mind and leaves me in a unfulfilled quandary.  Being single and only having yourself to look after seems so much easier!  Yeah, we'll go with that instead.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Started at the the beginning of your blog and made it to here before crying. Some of your words could be the transcripts of my own inner monologue, so you bring proof/validation to the hope that there are others in the world who feel as I do. We are not alone.

    But what I wanted to originally comment...was that this song entered my mind with the tears:
    "I Think It's Going To Rain Today"
    Written by: Randy Newman (1968)
    (...and though there are dozens of covers, Bette's from "Beaches" in 1988 is what I was feeling/hearing)

    Broken windows and empty hallways,
    a pale lit moon in a sky streaked with grey.
    Human kindness is overflowing,
    and I think it's gonna rain today.

    Scarecrows dressed in the latest styles,
    the frozen smiles to chase love away.
    Human kindness is overflowing,
    and I think it's gonna rain today.

    Lonely, lonely.
    Tin can at my feet,
    I think I'll kick it down the street.
    That's the way to treat a friend.

    Right before me the signs implore me:
    Help the needy and show them the way.
    Human kindness is overflowing,
    and I think it's gonna rain today.

    Lonely, so lonely.
    Tin can at my feet,
    I think I'll kick it down the street.
    That's the way to treat a friend.

    Right before me the signs implore me:
    Help the needy and show them the way.
    Human kindness is overflowing,
    and I think it's gonna rain today.
