Guong Dong Zodiac

I find myself surprised lately by the difficulty I am having connecting to new people in my life. When I was just a tot I remember reading my Chinese zodiac at the Guong Dong Chinese Buffet in Wilmington NC and it read "You will make few but lasting friendships." The animal that the zodiac connected me to was the boar - not flattering! ...but I digress... None the less, that has always stuck with me and it seems to be fairly accurate. I have met many people on my journey but very few can be classified as friends. And to cull the herd even more I can count on my fingers the ones that have stayed in touch throughout the years. My latest challenge has been making an initial connection. My experience in Dallas is that most are caught in a routine and do not have time to welcome someone new to their lives. The few that have extended friendship were pushed away by yours truly. I haven't pushed anyone away on purpose, however, I'm noticing a pattern that shocks even me. I seem to come up with some great excuses why I'm unable to get very close to people. This is not typical behavior for me and anyone that knows Cicero knows that I am THE super-social butterfly! Well, to anyone reading this that feels like I have pushed you away, you should know that it isn't personal (unless I told you otherwise) and that it's something I'm trying to work thru. xoxoxo

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