Relationship With Myself

I'm no Carrie Bradshaw but I live so deep inside of my head that I always have an opinion. I don't understand what people mean when they say "in love." The emotions they describe are ones I could relate to in hundreds of on my own stories. People also say that you can't know love right out the gate (unless, of course, you were lucky enough to be the recipient of love at first site) but I don't buy that either. A friend of mine (names are withheld to protect the guilty) recently met a guy (approx 1 month ago) and was ready to move in cause he was sure he loved him. Naturally we told him he was crazy, "you just met the guy." Right? Then I gave it some thought and changed my answer to "why not?" Why is it hard to believe that he actually loves this dude? Maybe he isn't IN LOVE but love is all around us and inside of us. Worst case scenario is this poor schmuck gets dumped and struggles to find a roommate to replace the ex-boyfriend's half of rent. Then we have yet another life lesson under our belt and we grow stronger than we were before. Best case scenario is they live happily ever after *coughs, bull shit.* It's a win-win situation! Okay, so now you probably think I'm crass and bitter. I promise I am those things but I'm also a realist. I have the ability to love everyone to a fault. I don't love myself enough and it causes me to become dependant on others to make me happy. The concept of loving yourself is so incredibly foreign to me. I can be extremely vain and I can act the part but when the day is done, I look in the mirror and wish I were something or someone else. So, in the spirit of Sex And The City I must say that I have been in a relationship with myself for 26 years and that's the one I need to work on.


  1. you told me you loved yourself like three times a day. nevermind, that was love ON yourself.

