
Shiva, the destroyer, shares the divine trinity of Hinduism with Brahma, the creator, and Vishnu, the preserver. Shown here as Nataraja, or supreme dancer, Shiva becomes the supreme deity who at once destroys and creates the universe. Creation is indicated by the drum held in his upper right hand, as sound is the primary manifestation of creative energy. The flaming mandorla and the flame in his upper left hand symbolize the world’s destruction. The “fear not” gesture of his lower right hand offers protection, while his fourth hand, pointing down to his foot, promises salvation. One foot is resting on a dwarf figure, symbolizing the stamping out of ignorance, while the other foot is in a dancing pose that signals the release of souls to an eventual salvation.


I called "time of death" on my date last night at 8:18pm. Probably would have seemed a bit early to most but would have been nice if my date was there to see my displeasure. A no call, no show? My luck with men is really starting to rank closer to Nicole Brown Simpson and less to the Kardashians like it once did. However, I always try to pull the silver lining out of a scenario and I felt quite accomplished when I awoke this morning spooning a brown bag half full of soy sauce packets and fried wonton remnants. Yes, my diet was shot full of holes by my evil Ambien fueled twin but this is quite a leap from last year's waking up next to an asshole and the years preceding when I would awake next to an empty vodka bottle. Actually, I take that back, I'm sleeping with Grey Goose tonight!