
They say life goes on, and so it seems they are correct. However, I'm still waiting for it not to suck. Life without the one that completes me has been a forced display of the necessary motions just to maintain some semblance of acceptable existence.


I enjoy the fragrance of your skin. The daunting task of replicating it would only prove futile. For how does one bottle the aroma of fresh ambition in the morning? Moreover, marrying said ambition with the smell emitted by the color blue would be impossible. And not just any blue, but a royal blue... peppered with a hint of rugged masculinity. In the evening hours of yesterday, as I closed my eyes for sleep, I was struck with the unexpected, yet unmistakable fragrance of your skin. I was puzzled at first, as all linens you once laid upon had been washed many times since, but I decided to surrender to the mystery and enjoyment of the moment. The fragrance of your skin tucked me in, warm and cozy, before ushering me into my nightly dreams.