"It is wholly illogical to believe that state recognition of love and commitment of same-sex couples will alter the most intimate and personal decisions of opposite-sex couples." - Colorado Federal Judge


This morning I woke up feeling a little like my old self. The less than whole self that bleeds out into the universe with my thoughts scattered like ashes across thousands of acres of life; past, present, and that which isn’t guaranteed, tomorrow. My body feels worn and needing a tune up. My spirit has been driven without rotation, exposing the wire beneath the surface that holds me together ever so delicately. My soul aches for those who are hurting from loss. Friends and family alike have experienced great loss that is still reverberating thru the halls of their existence. Naturally, this means I feel the loss also. So I sit here watching the sun creep up on my shoulder, peeking thru the rainclouds as if to remind me that brighter days are just over the hill. The tears in my eyes make it hard to see that far though. Try as I may to climb over this hill and into the light I still find myself stuck in neutral, revving my engine but not making ground. And why do I miss him? He haunts me daily. Some days I hate him with anger that could bring down Jericho’s walls while other days I just miss him. I want to understand why and how he could shut out his best friend. Unconditional love is a dangerous thing, I see now. For when it’s not given in return it could turn a meek saint to a beast that feeds on the innocent at night. Because of his inability to love me I understand he had to go. The universe plucked him from my life so to make room for bigger and better things. The manifestations began to spring up the very day after I pressed the “block” button and sent our time together into a vault to be kept with other memories of my past. Though he had to go so that I may grow it doesn’t help fill the void in me. He left with a large part of my heart. Almost all of it. And now all I can do is pray I will be whole again someday.


I was fortunate enough to wake up to the following text from my boyfriend this morning. He is quite wonderful: "Good morning my love. Just wanted to say that everything about you, hair, eyes, nose, lips, scruffy jaw and chest, smooth stomach, gorgeous penis, hot ass, sexy legs to my least favorite... Yes even your feet are so beautifully perfect in every way for me. I hope you have a grata day at work and know I will think of you all day. I look forward to seeing you everyday. And you make me the happiest man alive. I will always love you and feel loved by you. I'm your in every and you make me feel so alive. See you soon my beautiful babeez. Xoxo Love always -daddy"


"And I think missing you hurts the most when something funny happens. Because in that one moment I find myself laughing, and within the next second I want to tell or text you what happened. And then it hits me again, every single time, that you aren't there anymore. That I lost the one thing that mattered to me." Elisabeth Van den Abeele