favorite junk food...

Bitter Business Bureau

Bill Peck, my best friend, and I moved to Las Vegas three weeks ago.  Before we moved we shopped for the best deal on moving companies.  Based on quotes verbally given by moving companies, Across USA Moving out of Dallas Texas won out.  The quote was based on descriptions that we gave the salesman of each item that would be moving.  On October 5, 2012 the movers came and loaded all of our belongings onto their truck.  After the truck was fully loaded the movers then handed us a figure that was nearly double what the original quote was.  We assumed that our total would be a little more than the quote as we may have failed to mention an item or two but not $1000.00 more than was quoted.  Bill informed them that we would not pay that amount and that they could remove our items from the truck or they can ship it and we would work it out on the next business day.  He signed a form showing they took the items but he also wrote on the form that we did not agree to this amount. 

After being contacted by our attorney, because they refuse to meet us somewhere in the middle, the moving company tells us today that we have until November 6th to retrieve our items from DALLAS TEXAS or they will start piling on storage fees.  They are still holding firm to their inflated pricing.  Needless to say we will probably have to pay the amount demanded as they are holding everything we own hostage but you can be sure we will be taking them to court.  I vote we take it to JUDGE MARILYN MILIAN of The People's Court.  1) Because she is my favorite person alive, and 2) Because she is way more fair than any other TV judge out there.

Point to this post:  DO NOT USE ACROSS USA MOVING CO. ... LIKE, EVER!  Spread the word!
Across USA Moving Co.
10480 Shady Trail  Dallas, TX 75220
(214) 905-7555

My Wish...

I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow
And each road leads you where you want to go
And if you're faced with the choice and you have to choose
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you

And if one door opens to another door closed
I hope you keep on walkin' ‘til you find the window
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile
But more than anything, more th

an anything

My wish for you
Is that this life becomes all that you want it to
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small
You never need to carry more than you can hold

And while you're out there gettin' where you're gettin' to
I hope you know somebody loves you
And wants the same things too
Yeah, this is my wish

I hope you never look back but you never forget
All the ones who love you and the place you left
I hope you always forgive and you never regret
And you help somebody every chance you get

Oh, you'd find God's grace in every mistake
And always give more than you take
But more than anything, yeah more than anything


...good googly moogly!!!...

Ian Somerhalder

Political Pirate

I was definitely riding the fence about the upcoming election.  I vowed I wouldn't vote because I could clearly see valid points of interest from both candidates.  I also vowed you wouldn't hear me complain about the outcome as I would have no right to complain if I didn't stand on one side or the other by voting.  Well that all changed this morning. 

I hate when, in the morning, the first thing I see or hear is something that frustrates me or pisses me off.  It kind of sets the mood for the rest of today.  As I slurp down coffee and imagine myself on a island surrounded by naked cabana boys I am slowly but surely turning this train-wreck of a day around. Well a FB friend of mine posted a video this morning of MITT ROMNEY standing out against homosexual couples adopting children.  He was a little unclear (big surprise there) about whether he was completely opposed to the act or just in opposition of the birth certificate stating "parent 1 and parent 2."  At any rate, he went on to say that "all children deserve a mother and a father."  What an ignorant, invisible deity-worshiping, self-serving piece of garbage.  All children deserve to grow up feeling loved.  All children deserve food, shelter, water, and values.  All children deserve to be heard, understood, and taught to think for themselves.  As someone who grew up in a strong christian family I can assure you I was NOT taught to think for myself.  It was God's way or no way.  With that in mind, I feel confident that two parents of the same gender could do just as good of a job at raising a child as a "normal" mother and father could - probably better. 

Along the same lines, I am friends with a man who is in a long term relationship with another man and they have adopted two children already.  They, from what I can see in photographs and FB updates, are doing a great job.  So why, pray tell, is he voting for Romney?  Because he is a sheep, that's why.  My fag friends whom are voting for this man that wishes to strip away/prevent gay rights are just sheep being led thru the pasture and have no idea they are being fattened up for the slaughter.  That's fine, I am in the mood to eat lamb chops tonight anyway.  IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS! 

Okay, that's my political soap box for this election year :)



In the light of the sun, is there anyone? Oh it has begun...
Oh dear you look so lost, eyes are red and tears are shed,
This world you must've crossed... she said...

You don't know me, you don't even care, oh yeah,
She said
You don't know me, and you don't wear my chains... oh yeah,

Essential yet appealed, carry all your thoughts across
An open field,
When flowers gaze at you... they're not the only ones who cry
When they see you
She said...

You don't know me, you don't even care, oh yeah,
She said
You don't know me, and you don't wear my chains... oh yeah,

She said I think I'll go to Boston...
I think I'll start a new life,
I think I'll start it over, where no one knows my name,
I'll get out of California, I'm tired of the weather,
I think I'll get a lover and fly him out to Spain...
Oh yeah and I think I'll go to Boston,
I think that I'm just tired
I think I need a new town, to leave this all behind...
I think I need a sunrise, I'm tired of the sunset,
I hear it's nice in the Summer, some snow would be nice... oh yeah,

You don't know me, you don't even care, oh yeah...

Boston... where no one knows my name... yeah
Where no one knows my name...
Where no one knows my name...
No one knows my name.

Shedding Skin

I look around and I feel envious of people for the things they have.  I want pretty "stuff" too.  But this is now the second major move I have made in my adult life (Wilmington to Dallas then Dallas to Vegas) and I have shed my worldly possessions each time and it seems to take forever to build it back up.  I have to believe I am building character more than anything though.  My level of resilience has shocked even me. 

[On surviving heartbreak:]

 You let time pass. That’s the cure. You survive the days. You float like a rabid ghost through the weeks. You cry and wallow and lament and scratch your way back up through the months. And then one day you find yourself alone on a bench in the sun and you close your eyes and lean your head back and you realize you’re okay. –Dear Sugar, December 16, 2010
I cried today when I saw photos on Facebook from a friend's wedding that took place last weekend.  I am scared this will never happen for me.  I want a spouse and children so bad but I feel like time is running out. 

Presidential Election 2012

“I wish my moderate Republican friends would simply be honest. They all say they’re voting for Romney because of his economic policies (tenuous and ill-formed as they are), and that they disagree with him on gay rights. Fine. Then look me in the eye, speak with a level clear voice, and say,” My taxes and take-home pay mean more than your fundamental civil rights, the sanctity of your marriage, your right to visit an ailing spouse in the hospital, your dignity as a citizen of this country, your healthcare, your right to inherit, the mental welfare and emotional well-being of your youth, and your very personhood.” It’s like voting for George Wallace during the Civil Rights movements, and apologizing for his racism. You’re still complicit. You’re still perpetuating anti-gay legislation and cultural homophobia. You don’t get to walk away clean, because you say you “disagree” with your candidate on these issues.”

Doug Wright, Pulitzer and Tony Award winning playwright
 DANERO, October 2, 2012 - JR's Bar & Grill, Dallas, Texas

The Golden Age

My favorite person who ever lived is Queen Elizabeth I.  She was the last of the Tudor dynasty.  She took her country from broken and in debt to being the strongest empire in Europe and all without the need for a man.  Her reign will forever be known as "The Golden Age"

Cate Blanchett as Elizabeth I

All Things Libra

Libra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac, all the others representing either humans or animals. Many modern astrologers regard it as the most desirable of zodiacal types because it represents the zenith of the year, the high point of the seasons, when the harvest of all the hard work of the spring is reaped. There is a mellowness and sense of relaxation in the air as mankind enjoys the last of the summer sun and the fruits of his toil. Librans too are among the most civilized of the twelve zodiacal characters and are often good looking. They have elegance, charm and good taste, are naturally kind, very gentle, and lovers of beauty, harmony (both in music and social living) and the pleasures that these bring.
They have good critical faculty and are able to stand back and look impartially at matters which call for an impartial judgment to be made on them. But they do not tolerate argument from anyone who challenges their opinions, for once they have reached a conclusion, its truth seems to them self-evident; and among their faults is an impatience of criticism and a greed for approval. But their characters are on the whole balanced, diplomatic and even tempered.
Librans are sensitive to the needs of others and have the gift, sometimes to an almost psychic extent, of understanding the emotional needs of their companions and meeting them with their own innate optimism - they are the kind of people of whom it is said, "They always make you feel better for having been with them." They are very social human beings. They loathe cruelty, viciousness and vulgarity and detest conflict between people, so they do their best to cooperate and compromise with everyone around them, and their ideal for their own circle and for society as a whole is unity.
Their cast of mind is artistic rather than intellectual, though they are usually too moderate and well balanced to be avant garde in any artistic endeavor. They have good perception and observation and their critical ability, with which they are able to view their own efforts as well as those of others, gives their work integrity.
In their personal relationships they show understanding of the other person's point of view, trying to resolve any differences by compromise, and are often willing to allow claims against themselves to be settled to their own disadvantage rather than spoil a relationship. They like the opposite sex to the extent of promiscuity sometimes, and may indulge in romanticism bordering on sentimentality.
Their marriages, however, stand a good chance of success because they are frequently the union of "true minds". The Libran's continuing kindness toward his or her partner mollifies any hurt the latter may feel if the two have had a tiff. Nor can the Libran's spouse often complain that he or she is not understood, for the Libran is usually the most empathetic of all the zodiacal types and the most ready to tolerate the beloved's failings.
The negative Libran character may show frivolity, flirtatiousness and shallowness. It can be changeable and indecisive, impatient of routine, colorlessly conventional and timid, easygoing to the point of inertia, seldom angry when circumstances demand a show of annoyance at least; and yet Librans can shock everyone around them with sudden storms of rage. Their love of pleasure may lead them into extravagance; Libran men can degenerate into reckless gamblers, and Libran women extravagant, jealous and careless about money sometimes squander their wealth and talents in their overenthusiasm for causes which they espouse. Both sexes can become great gossipers. A characteristic of the type is an insatiable curiosity that tempts them to enquire into every social scandal in their circle.
In their work the description "lazy Libra" which is sometimes given is actually more alliterative than true. Librans can be surprisingly energetic, though it is true that they dislike coarse, dirty work. Although some are modestly content, others are extremely ambitious. With their dislike of extremes they make good diplomats but perhaps poor party politicians, for they are moderate in their opinions and able to see other points of view. They can succeed as administrators, lawyers (they have a strong sense of justice, which cynics might say could handicap them in a legal career), antique dealers, civil servants and bankers, for they are trustworthy in handling other people's money. Some Librans are gifted in fashion designing or in devising new cosmetics; others may find success as artists, composers, critics, writers, interior decorators, welfare workers or valuers, and they have an ability in the management of all sorts of public entertainment. Some work philanthropically for humanity with great self-disciple and significant results. Libran financiers sometimes make good speculators, for they have the optimism and ability to recover from financial crashes.